Thermography: Priotizes areas of concern
Thermography is a screening device that is useful for identifying physiological changes in the body. Thermography measures skin temperature and collects information from the skin that presents as thermal patterns. A trained thermology interpreter analysis skin temperature changes and the patterns that present in order to identify areas of concern.
The disease process is complex however, we do know that inflammation is the precursor to the development of disease. If inflammation and the CAUSE of the inflammation can be identified early, it can provide people with an opportunity to make lifestyle changes in order to reverse or slow down the disease process.
Thermography is very sensitive meaning it is extremely valuable for seeing early signs of inflammation in the body. However, thermography is not specific…which means it does not diagnose disease.
Thermography can provide a picture of what is going on with your current state of health. It is also a technology like no other that may help to identify the cause of theinflammation. Thermography cannot and should not be compared to any other test because it is unique on its own merit. The unique view that thermography provides into the state of health of the entire body allows us to assess which systems or organs are at the root of observed patterns of inflammation. In addition, certain indicated thermal patterns may justify further clinicalevaluation but thermography alone is not diagnostic. [Thus, in terms of diagnosis, the FDA classifies thermography as an “adjunct diagnostic tool”.]
The most common question I am asked is, “Will thermography find a tumor or see cancer?” The answer to this question is that thermography will not see ANY disease.Thermography is not diagnostic.
The question that should be asked is, “Will thermography be able to help identify areas of concern in my body that need help? Will thermography help to identify the cause?”
Consider the following;
Tumors, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and all other diseases are simply a set of symptoms that are caused by an underlying condition or imbalance in the body. Thisimbalance may be caused by a variety of factors such as stress, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, exposure to chemical/environmental toxins, bacteria, viruses. Without addressing the root of the problem, the symptoms (or disease) never really go away. Think of it like pulling the weeds out of your garden…unless you get the entire root system out, the weed will sprout again often bigger than the original weed.

All too often, people become fixated on receiving a diagnosis rather than figuring out why they are having symptoms. Once people have a diagnosis, they spend a significant amount of time and resources managing the symptoms….instead of the cause of the disease. Typically, this leads to a (vicious) cycle of invasive tests and trial-and-error prescription medications or even surgeries, all of which have side effects that are often as bad (or worse) than the original condition.
I have not yet known any person who has a disease because they are deficient in a medication. People don’t develop tumors because they lack exposure to radiation orchemotherapy. People don’t develop heart disease because of a deficiency of cholesterol-lowering drugs.
The question on which people should focus is: What is causing my symptoms… rather than what is the fancy name for my symptoms. Why do I have a tumor? Why do I have hypertension, diabetes or arthritis? Any changes in one’s physical or mental health should cause an individual to reflect on what lifestyle changes need to be made. Unfortunately, people search for a quick pill to suppress their symptoms which inevitably leads them down their journey to disease progression and symptom management.
It is more difficult to recover when the mindset is focused on diagnosis and symptom or disease management rather than addressing the cause. My philosophyis that treating the cause heals the patient… while treating symptoms prolongs suffering.
Cancer is a symptom or a result of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is always caused by an underlying condition. (consider stress, bacteria, viruses, environmental/chemical contaminants).
For some people, cutting out the tumor and/or undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments still leaves them at a high risk of a re-occurrence, often in a more aggressive version. Why did the cancer return? Because you didn’t deal with the cause. It’s not that thermography did or didn’t see your tumor or identify thermal patterns that correlate with your diagnosis that matters. What really matters is that thermography provides information about why you have a tumor, or why you may develop a tumor, and it helps to identify where the source of the problem is. Isn’t this more valuable than diagnosing disease?
So, for some cases, it is likely that your body is less concerned about your cancer (or tumor), heart disease of arthritis and more concerned about pointing you to the cause of your illness. By focusing on the symptom, disease or diagnosis you don’t hear (or see) what the body is saying…. or how the body is showing you where the actual problem is. By focusing on the cause, you give your body an opportunity to heal itself.
Healthier is Smarter!

Healthier is Smarter!
Sharon Edwards